Using The PodyCharts


The PodyCharts Process:    


In order to reflect real anatomy of the body on to the feet we felt it imperative to start with ‘real foot bones in real feet’! 


We have based these charts on a series of x-rays and photographs of a pair of real feet belonging to a very real person! We have then layered each and every system separately to show a comprehensive reflection of the whole system on the feet.



We use only ‘reflected anatomy’ to locate organs and systems in The PodyCharts.


Many practitioners will use the holistic range of energy reflection, meridian lines, acupressure points, empirical intuition, and emotional analysis to evaluate and to site organs and systems on the feet. We very much endorse the importance of all those methods; however, these charts are based solely on reflected physical anatomy, in order to be clear and accurate.

The bones of the body’s skeleton align with the bones of the feet. The x-rayed bones are the template on which the reflected Skeleton has been placed.  We call this the Micro-Skeleton. Every system and organ have then been measured to the actual vertebral level and position on the skeleton, to ensure anatomical precision. This means that you can super-impose any system over another and they will ‘sit’ anatomically correctly over the other, this is clearly illustrated in The PodyCharts Poster.  


A truly accurate anatomical reflection.


Our body is three-dimensional, and our systems and organs can be seen illustrated in anatomy reference texts from the front, back, sides and often a sagittal (mid-line) view.  The PodyCharts reflect those same three-dimensional views using aspects of all of the foot and lower part of the leg. All of the body, all of the feet! This gives the Reflexology Practitioner the opportunity to locate and access various systems and organs in a precise, three-dimensional way of working. Clear reflection of the whole of every system via all four aspects of the feet and the lower leg.


Students, practitioners and clients alike will recognise the human body systems and organs and will therefore benefit from the precise anatomical nature of the PodyCharts when discussing the physical imbalances and the physiological implications that those imbalances may be reflecting. This will aid in specific focussed intention to extremely precise areas for both practitioner and client. Intention and dual intention being so extremely important.


Using The PodyCharts


We are reflecting the human body in a kneeling position with knees bent and feet tucked under the buttocks. We first saw this reflection many, many years ago in the charts of Hanne Marquardt, an incredible and wonderfully inspiring German Reflexologist, and have used this system of reflection to work for several years. The arms are bent at the elbow and sit across the chest.


The medial and lateral views, the sides of the feet, illustrate the direct connection between dorsal and plantar, the tops and soles of the feet. The three-dimensional anatomy of the body, reflected in the feet.


When treating the dorsal aspect, the junction between the foot and the lower leg at the ankle bones is the point at which the reflected body actually curves down through the lower leg, as shown in the medial and lateral charts. This gives this true three-dimensional perspective. Dorsal placement of those pelvic organs is therefore shown 'looking through' the lower leg in a holographic manner.


We reflect the neck and head onto the Hallux or Big Toe as an accurate reflection of the 'one head' in our body. However, we completely endorse the working of all other toes as 'secondary reflections' of these areas, in the same way as shown on the Big Toe. The head, brain, neck, limbic system, sinuses and senses can all be accessed via this methodology.


By following the line of the body shown in the medial and lateral aspects, the user can see how the low pelvic organs shown on the dorsal aspect are actually viewed and treated 'through' the lower leg.

Buy your copy of The PodyCharts today and unlock the wonders of Reflected Anatomy!